Friday, December 20, 2013

10 Days and a Kick!

Although there's Chrimbo in the way, Jonny (uncle Jonny) is coming to see us on Boxing Day, there's something extra we're excited about as the year ends. We get our 20 week scan on the 30th December, at 2:30pm, so we get to see the baby's face again :)

We can't wait. It feels like ages ago that we had a scan.

The baby has been moving about a lot but I haven't been able to feel it from the outside. Louise can feel it, obviously, but as the baby is getting bigger and bigger, the kicks are getting stronger, and this morning I felt a kick!!! It was amazing!

Quite light like a flick or a prod with a finger, but I'm sure there will be some bigger ninja kicks soon. We are both so impatient and just want to see our baby NOW :)

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